Source: Noble Knits & Crochets a Shidonna Raven Patterns & Publications, organization. All Rights Reserved. Copyright.
Photo Source: Unsplash, Marcus Spiske
November 19, 2021
The Holiday season is once again upon us with all of its seasonal festivities. One popular festivity is tree decorating and what is decorating a tree without the Christmas Ornaments. While many in the U.S. celebrate Christmas others celebrate other Holidays during this season such as Kawanzaa and Hanukkah. Whatever you celebrate you are invited to submit an ornament, decoration or (small) item that is apart of the holiday you celebrate.
Submissions will be taken up to Christmas day (December 25th). Tell us which holiday you celebrate and a little about the holiday, yourself, the crafts you do and the item you submitted for the contest. Feel free to add anything else additional as well. All ages welcome. The winner of the contest will be featured in this very online knitting and crochet E-Zine. Preference will be given to items made of the fiber arts and items that use our sponsors yarn: Cascade Yarns (yes, featured below). Whatever you make and whatever you celebrate happy holidays.
Who else do you know that would like to participate? Which fiber art is your favorite? What will you DIY for the Holidays? Shop our patterns and get started with your project(s) today. Send us a picture. It could be featured on our website!
Share your answers with the community by posting them below. Share the wealth of information with your friends or family by sharing this article with 3 people today. As always you are the best part of what we do. Keep sharing.