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The Group - What we are doing

​​Scrunches and Hats



Learning something new is always good. But, when you can apply the new thing you learned to something else that is great. Saundra did just that. Carolyn taught us how to crochet a scrunches. Saundra quickly has turned this skill into a crochet hat with a hole in the top for her hair. We also watched crochet videos ...check out what we liked under resources. 




This Saturday Stencil & Knot is coming to present to us about their shop and how you can sell your goods or become an instructor. Make sure you don't miss this Saturday. We will be having more presentations like this one, drawing on the internets of group members. Enjoy!




Carolyn came in and showed the group how to crochet a scrunchies. See you next week.




The Group got off to a good start by learning some basics about knitting and crocheting, digging into some video resources online and viewing them on the large screen. Some yarn donations were made to the newbies and youth. And many people stopped by to peek in and learn more about the Noble Knits Group. We look forward to seeing you next week, your contributions, comments and questions. You make the group!

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