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March 24, 2020
As many of my family members and students face retirement they ask, what will fulfill them when they retire?

With the Baby Boom having occurred around 1960, many #baby #boomers are reaching #retirement. As with many transitions in life, retirement brings adjustments. Many #retirees face a lack of identity and purpose. They find they have long days with little to fill them with. Retirees also struggle with a sense of identity since most people attach their identity to their professions. This can leave many people with feelings of depression. They may feel a lack of fulfillment and purpose in life.
As a family friend was expressing just these feelings to me in his recent retirement, a student came to me about finding a hobby for her some what near retirement. I thought that was a great way to prepare for retirement. She has plans to #make a #blanket and a #sweater as her skills steadily improve. But for now, will be making lots of #scarves and #hats for the holidays.
She has found that not only is she getting prepared to have a fulfilling hobby in her retirement, she has discovered that knitting helps her to #relax after a #stressful day at work. She also finds it very rewarding to give her hand made gifts to her friends and family.