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Stay Connected: Virtual Group

Updated: May 14, 2023

Some have Suggested that we should begin meeting Virtually. So, we thought we would ask.


Source: Shidonna Raven Patterns & Publications. All Rights Reserved. Copyright (c). Please contact us for republishing permission and citation formatting.

Photo Source: Unsplash

May 5, 2020

With all the #uncertainty and #social #distancing caused by #Corona, many people are asking when will I see you again? Some have even reached out to me recommending that we hold a #Virtual #Group. As I shared in a previous article, my student and I were caught figuring out what to do next. We were in the midst of a workshop series. Being new to knitting and really wanting a creative outline especially now, she was very re leaved to gain her knitting skills and to have a creative outlet. Many #crocheters and #knitters are completing UFOs (unfinished objects). I some how always seem to have some type of UFO around. I wonder if they ever really disappear.

So we thought we would ask you. Do you think meeting Virtually would be a positive creative outlet for you? Would you like to meet? Leave us a comment. What do you think the benefits would be? Do you think people would enjoy connecting in a social distancing respectful way? Tell us what you think. Hope to see you again soon.

Share your answers with the community by posting them below. Share the wealth of information with your friends or family by sharing this article with 3 people today. As always you are the best part of what we do. Keep sharing.


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