Source: Shidonna Raven Patterns & Publications. All Rights Reserved. Copyright (c). Please contact us for republishing permission and citation formatting.
Photo Source: Shidonna Raven Patterns & Publications
April 14, 2020
The corona# virus# has presented many difficult challenges to people across the globe. For others the deadly virus has meant death. With some states requiring masks and other strongly
recommending it because the supply is so low, demand is high. With demand out weighing supply many people have gotten creative in a tight supply time. Masks have been created out of everything from old shirts to good old yarn. Some creatives have even made masks up and donated them to their local hospitals to those on the front line. We commend their efforts. And invite creatives# of all skill levels to fill this demand. If you need a mask# for yourself, someone special or just want to help fill the void but don’t know how, join us in one of our knitting classes and we will show you how to make# a mask# / cowl. So, when things hopefully get back to normal the recipient will not have to discard your beautifully made mask / cowl they can convert it into a cowl and treasure your gift for years to come.
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