Source: Shidonna Raven Patterns & Publications. All Rights Reserved. Copyright (c). Please contact us for republishing permission and citation formatting.
Photo Source: Unsplash
June 28, 2020
Staying connected during COVID 19 has been very important to many including me. As we began the reopening phase, staying connected has still remained important. Many things have shifted as people try to get back to normal or at least a new normal. In the heat of COVID 19 when most of us were encouraged to remain at home, many people shared with me that now was a great time to work on UFOs (unfinished objects). With all the time we had on our hands at home, this was a great idea.
With many restrictions still remaining and with everyone still getting back to normal, many of us find that we still are at home for various reasons although many things have begun to reopen at some stage of capacity. We, for the most part, have been effective in slowing the spread. Although some states are still struggling to keep things moving in the right direction. And a vaccine for COVID 19 still has not been achieved. There is still much to resolve when it comes to COVID 19 although much of the scare has been resolved. Some questions still remain in the air.
Many people are still opting to meet virtually and forego large meetings and meeting in person. Maybe this has become a comfortable part of our new norm, as many have found ways to work from home. Needless to stay we still have a lot of time on our hands to finish some UFOs and find new ways to be very productive and creative at home. Either way staying connected is important. We would love to hear about what you are working on and what UFOs you are completing.
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